Boniface’s progress

You would never guess that Boniface has only been training on the violin for just a few weeks.

There are about 15 people visiting from California and Washington state. They seem interested in the music that is happening at the Thiiri Centre, so we decided to give a recital tonight. Boniface played Allegro, Song of the Wind, Lightly Row, Wish-I-Had-A-Monkey Twinkle, and Twinkle theme. I really loved that Boniface played harmony for both the Twinkles, because that means he’s taking on a teacher role rather than just a student role.

For those of you who know the violin: We took the tapes off of his instrument two days ago, and as usual, he played much better in tune afterwards. We also have been playing 4th finger and low 2’s for at least a week. For two days, he’s known third position – we have played a 3rd position 1-octave G major scale, and also we have played quite a few Suzuki tunes in 3rd position in G major. (I don’t know why I didn’t have him play 3rd position in D major… I think that’s the cellist in me. I wasn’t thinking.)

Repertoire-wise, he can get through Etude with some minor stopping, and he can play very slowly through Minuet No. 1. He has the entire book memorized until Etude, and we have read the notes to Minuet No. 1 and Minuet No. 2. We have yet to do any hooked bows, but I don’t think that will be a problem.

I have videos of Boniface and also of the kids, but I’m not sure when I’ll get a chance to upload those. The connection is just so slow.

This entry was posted in 2nd Kenya trip (Jun-Aug 2011), Boniface. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Boniface’s progress

  1. tcharlesyun says:

    are you teaching them to ply music that they know from other places to be played on violin? it seems that if they have a culture of rote learning, teaching them to transfer their knowledge between objects would be useful/interesting. maybe.

    it might also be a good way for you to learn a few simple songs. ask them to sing/play a local/childrens song. learn to play it. engage with the kids. play/hum it for others as you meet them.

  2. andrea says:

    Yeah, I’m trying to do that, but the Kenyan songs that I’ve gotten are a little complicated for them. I think Boniface will be able to do this in the future. We are both excited to teach them Kenyan tunes, but we’ll have to wait until they get a little more advanced. Until then, it’s Western Suzuki tunes. They are starting to get to know the Suzuki tunes – they have been singing along with the few that I’ve been playing them.

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